Dinotefuran 15% +Pymetrozine 45% WG


It has dual mode of action on Brown Plant Hopper, Green leaf Hopper, White Backed Plant Hopper, etc to protect rice crop.

Mode of action:

Dinotefuran is a contact poison and does not require ingestion by the insect to be effective. Dinotefuran binds irreversibly to insect nicotinic receptors and mimics the effects of acetylcholine, resulting in continuous nerve stimulation, incoordination, tremors, and death of the insect.

Pymetrozine Its mode of action in insects has not been precisely determined biochemically, but it may involve effects on neuroregulation or nerve-muscle interaction. Physiologically, it appears to act by preventing these insects from inserting their stylus into the plant tissue.

Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) Classification No.

  • Dinotefuran: 4A
  • Pymetrozine: 9B
  • Reduces egg laying capacity of female BPH & WBPH.
  • Provides healthy & vibrant tillers at the reproductive stage.
Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/AcreDilution in Water (L/ha)Waiting
Period between
last spray
to harvest
AI (g/ha)Formulation (g/ha)
RiceBrown plant hoppezr, white backed plant hopper, green leaf hopper, and rice ear head bug20013325024


Caution: The product is toxic to honey bees thus may be avoided during active period of foraging of honey bees. Product is slightly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Not to be used on crops other than those prescribed on label and leaflet.

Additional information


66.6g, 133.2g, 333g, 666g,1332g.